در جست و جوی چه هستید؟
در همه موارد
مرتب سازی
Clinical issues in analyses over the telephone and the internet
جیل ساوج شارف
Impact of a single Skype session on an in-person analysis
دیوید ای . شارف
PhDs in Therapy
آناستازیا پیاتاخینا گیره
Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena -A Study of the First Not-Me * Possession
دونالد وینیکات
Imagination, play and art. In H. Segal. Dream, phantasy and art. pp: 79-86
هانا سیگال
Skype as the uncanny third
ایمگارد دتبارن
The gap between: Being and knowing in Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis
پال سی کوپر
Remembering, Repeating and Working-Through
زیگموند فروید
Recommendations to Physicians Practising Psycho-Analysis
String: A Technique of Communication
The Capacity to be Alone
The Shy Narcissist
سلمان اختر
My Experience of Analysis with Fairbairn and Winnicott
اتو کرنبرگ
On Beginning the Treatment
Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety part three
Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety part two
Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety part one
conjectures about Winnicott’s unconscious counter-transference in the case of Masud Khan, in the light of the Wynne Godley case
آندره گرین
Play and reflection in Donald Winnicott’s writings (pp. 7-26)
Fathering: A review of some psychoanalytic contributions on paternity
جی. ام. راس
هم آوا
Secrets, Status and Countertransference in Object Relations Based Couple Therapy
الی فریدمن
استنلی .پ. روزینسکی
Nothingness, Meaninglessness, Chaos, and the Black Hole
جیمز گروتستین
Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis; chapter 6: Infantilism.
استفن میچل
Ontological Psychoanalysis or “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?”
تامس آگدن
Social trauma, politics and psychoanalysis: A personal narrative
نانسی کاروهالاندر
Silence as communication in psychodynamic psychotherapy (تلخیص شده)
بیشاپ و همکاران
To Die One’s Own Death: Jacqueline Rose on Freud and his daughter
ژاکلین رز
گلنوش شهباز
There Must Be Blood
جورج اتوود
The Bloody Amputation: A Discussion of a First Dream in an Analysis
The Value of Depression
روان پژوه
از کتاب مقدمه ای بر کار ملانی کلاین The Depressive Position فصل
Optimal Responsiveness & The Therapeutic Process
هاوارد باکال
How Kohut Actually Worked
جول پی میلر
حسن مکارمی
Human Nature and Social Theory
اریش فروم
علی پژوهنده
فرهنگ امروز
The Trauma of Birth in its Importance for Psychoanalytic Therapy
اتو رنک
Anxiety Associated with Insecuity
Counter-Transference and the Patient's Response to It
مارگارت لیتل
Disguise or consent: Problems and recommendations concerning the publication and presentation of clinical material
گلن گابارد
هادی رحیمی دانش
علی نیکجو
تیم تحریریه سیاووشان
The disorders of the self and their treatment: An outline
هاینتس کوهات و ارنست وولف
فریده عیسی وند
The transformational object
کریستوفر بولاس
Fear of Breakdown and the Unlived Life
How I Talk With My Patients
On holding and containing, being and dreaming
On becoming a psychoanalyst
تامس آگدن و گلن گابارد
Thomas H. Ogden in conversation with Luca Di Donna
How the Analyst Thinks as Clinician and as Literary Reader
Why read Fairbairn?
Winnicott: Life and Work by F Robert Rodman/A Review by Martha C. Nussbaum
مارتا سی ناسبام
The Use of an Object
Fear of breakdown
Psychoanalysis and the Sense of Guilt
Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena A Study of the First Not-Me
development of the child's capacity for concern
The Theory of the Parent-Infant Relationship2
The Theory of the Parent-Infant Relationship1
The True and False Self
Aggression in Relation to Emotional Development
Primitive emotional development
mirror-role of mother and family in child development
Ego Integration in Child Development
Reading Winnicott
what psychoanalysis says about love?
میهایلا برنارد
Love Relations of The Heterosexual Couple
Freud's Psycho-Analytic Procedure
جیمز استریچی
Imaginary Twin
ویلفرد بیون
the use of an object
General Remarks about Narcissistic Transference
هاینتس کوهات
self psychology: origins and overview
فرانک لاچمن
Psychoanalytic Self Psychology
آرنولد گلدبرگ
On the sense of loneliness
ملانی کلاین
on the development of mental functioning
on the criteria for the termination of the psycho-analysis
Primitive Emotional Development
The Psychology of Separation
Hate in the Counter-Transference
when the analyst becomes stupid
روزولت ام. اس. کسورلا
On Projective Identification
our adult world and its roots in infancy
Countertransfrence: The Emerging Common Ground
some clinical implications of Melanie klein's Work
A Theory of Thinking
dreaming the analytic session: a clinical essay
difrentiation of psychotic from the non-psychotic personalities
The concept of internal object-relations
A new reading of the origins of object-relations theory
Love and Melancholia in the analysis of women by women
روزین جوزف پرلبرگ
هری گانتریپ
Notes on some Schizoid Mechanisms
Phantasy and its transformation: A Contemporary Freudian View
ژورف سندلر و آنه ماری سندلر
Wild Psycho-Analysis
The Dynamics of Transference
The Economic Problem of Masochism
The aetiology of Hysteria
Whatever happened to neurosis? Who are we analyzing? And how? The importance of mental organization
آلن شوگرمن
Narcissistic Pathology of Everyday Life: The Denial of remorse and gratitude
نانسی مک ویلیامز و استنلی لپندورف
The Disorder of the Self and Their Treatment: an outline
Traumatic States
Insight, Transference, Interpretation and Therapeutic Change in The Dynamic Psychotherapy of Borderlinr Personality Disorder
گلن گابارد و مردی هوروویتز
Fear of Breakdown
Primitive Communication and the Use of Countertransference
جویس مک دوگال
Affects and Self objects
دافنه دی سوکاریدس و رابرت استورولو
Thinking with, and about patients, too scared too think
ریچارد هاوارد تاچ
The Analytic Third: Working with Intersubjective clinical facts
Understanding the Violent Patient: The Use of The Body and The Role of The father
پیتر فوناگی و مری تارگت
Bion's Theory of Dreams
Trevor Lubbe
Why Therapists should talk politics
ریچارد بروئیلت
Silence and Intimacy
ژوئا سیابرا دنیز
Cold War Freud and Freud: An Intellectual Biography review – the politics of psychoanalysis
لیزا آپیگنانسی
A conversation on the edge of human perception
The Meaning of Patient Silence
Hanna Segal obituary
Key ideas for contemporary psychoanalysis: misrecognition and recognition of the unconscious
سوزان دی متئوس
Obituary: Stephen Mitchell
مهدی میناخانی
Obituary- Joyse McDougall 1920-2011
لور بونفورن تور
تیم تألیف تداعی
The Waning of the Oedipus Complex
هانس لئووالد
What is Psychoanalytic Therapy?
کندرا چری
Einstein, Time and Unconscious
جرالد گارجیولو
Psychoanalysis and Culture
کلاودیو لکس ایزیریک
Death sexual drive, Terrorism and crime, reflections inspired by Jean Laplanche
ژان لوک وانیه
حسن مشهدی زاده
سیامک بایرامی
Ethical Aspects of Self-disclosure in Psychotherapy
Thomas G. Gutheil
Entre inceste et sexualite la seduction